Ausmalbilder Tiere: Herr Bär und co. mit Farbstiften

Animal coloring pages

2 Minute Read

Grab your coloring pens and get ready to color in some fun coloring pages! There are a selection of animals to choose from and they can all be downloaded for free and colored however you like. You don’t even have to color them if you don’t want to – get creative and do whatever you want to make them fun.

Color in our popular Librio animals

The following coloring pages are inspired by our popular Librio Woodland animals from our book “The Tree, The Key & Me”. In this story, the main character goes on an adventure through an enchanted forest to help the forest animals with a little magical problem. You can find out more about this book directly on our website.

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If you want to color in another character from our book, then how about this coloring page where you can color in our friendly Librio witch and her cat? 

Or how about some sea creatures?

Splish! Splash! With this next coloring page we go underwater! This detailed coloring page is taken directly from our hugely popular Search-and-Find World book and it shows the beautiful Great Barrier Reef and all its many inhabitants.

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In our Search-and-Find World book a little traveler of your choice goes on an exciting Worldwide adventure. It leads them through ten wonderful places on this earth, including the canals of Venice, the Temples of Bagan and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia amongst others. The book is full of lots of fun things to search for because not only does your little one have to find themselves in each place but also a lot of other fun hidden objects. In addition, a unique number code is hidden throughout the book which will lead to a secret message once your little one has found all the numbers!

If you still want some more creative ideas after the coloring pages, you can check out some more suggestions in our blog. We’re constantly adding new suggestions and ideas for entertaining little ones, so watch this space. How about a DIY penguin made from toilet paper rolls for example?

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