Librio is 2 today!

1 minute read

Two years ago today, we pressed the "GO" button on the Librio Machine and we were open for business.


That day, 12 random people trusted us with their hard earned cash and we were off to the races.


What have we done in the 730 days since?
- Created nearly 50,000 personalised picture books for little people in over 70 countries.
- Eaten 3441 acorns*
- Donated 45,000 books via our partner Room To Read
- Answered 9347 customer emails
- Increased our offering from 1 picture book to 5 books and a series of art prints
- Cut down 0 trees to make our books from 100% recycled paper
- Cut down 400 trees to make our dam (thanks Eddie Beaver...)*
- Sent 1 book to the Queen of England by mistake
- Been featured in national news and TV in England, Germany, Switzerland and Spain
- Gathered over 3,000 customer reviews with an average rating of 4.9


The feedback from our Librio friends big and small is what makes this whole journey worth it, so THANK YOU EVERYONE for being there for us and we cannot wait to see what the next two years will bring.


* Squirrels eat about 450g of food per week. An acorn weighs on average 13.7g. Admittedly, our squirrel friends probably ate something other than acorns.
* Beavers cut down 200 trees a year apparently, what do you have to say for yourself, Eddie?


Below you can enjoy our Homepage in 2017 and how it looks now. Happy Days.

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