Moon houses at night

Librio Library #34 – Moon – Britta Teckentrup

2 Minute Read

Why we chose ‘Moon’

Have you ever wondered about the moon? I know I have. Sometimes huge and round, other times just a tiny slice of moon-pie in the sky. (Sorry I won’t do that again, I promise.) With it’s huge circumference of 6785.9948 miles it’s the only ‘alien’ place outside of planet Earth that humans have so far been able to investigate. 


Whilst these facts are fascinating, if you’re sitting there thinking we’re about to introduce you to a non-fiction book all about the moon, think again! 

Moon - cover

The book ‘Moon’ from Britta Teckentrup is actually a lovely peaceful story about the night. As you go through the book you see the moon in all its different stages through cut-out shapes in the pages. You see it shining its light in darkness as it lights up many different places at night: The desert, fields, mountains, the ocean, even the jungle and vast arctic landscapes. 


‘Moon’ is a poetic explanation of the magic of night and a beautiful Bedtime story for children over three years old.



Favourite Image

Britta Teckentrup’s collage-like images are quite beautiful. Our favorite one shows the plains of Eurasia at night.


Kids will like

The way the cut-outs in the book change as the moon’s phase progresses makes the book that bit more special. It’ll definitely keep the attention of the little ones as they go through the story and they get to see it changing.

Parents will like

The book ‘Moon’ by Britta Teckentrup transports you with poetic verse through the magical world of the night. Even though the book is primarily written for kids, there’s definitely a sense of wonder that it instills when you read it as an adult. As mentioned before, I’m sure we’ve all wondered about the moon at some point in our lives and this is a lovely form of escapism through the eyes of how children might see it.

If you like ‘Moon’

Britta Teckentrup has created over 100 picture books which have been published in more than 20 countries and won multiple awards. Her book ‘Sleep tight little Bear’ is yet another lovely Bedtime story for young children.

More recommendations from our collection

If you’re looking for some inspiration for another good Bedtime story, then perhaps you might like one of our previous recommendations ‘Owl Babies’. This cute little picture book is a story about 3 little owlets waiting for their Mom to return home after a night’s hunting and you can check it out here.