Five Minutes

Librio Library #53 – Five Minutes – Audrey Vernick, Liz Garton Scanlon

2 Minute Read

As soon as we discovered it, it took us less than five minutes to know that the picture book by Audrey Vernick, Liz Garton Scanlon & Olivier Tallec was perfect for our Librio Library.

Five Minutes cover

300 seconds: That’s all five minutes is. But those five minutes can feel very different depending on the situation and on one’s perspective. The little boy in this story’s perspective is no different to countless other children. Spending five minutes in a traffic jam compared to spending five minutes doing something we actually enjoy can make a big difference to how long it seems to go on for… as the title of the book so aptly says, “Five Minutes: (That’s a Lot of Time) (No, It’s Not) (Yes, It Is)”.

Favorite Image

The illustrations depict different scenarios in everyday life from the perspective of the little boy character. With his great sense of situational humor, almost every picture by Olivier Tallec is a favorite!

Kids will like

In unserer Libriothek gibt es viele schöne Buchtipps zu entdecken. Von tollen Bilderbüchern ohne Worte über farbenfrohe Pop-up-Bücher zu klingenden Kinderbüchern findet sich Vorlesestoff für fast jeden Geschmack. Auch in unserem Shop erwarten dich tolle Bilderbücher. Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit einer Geschichte über die Kraft der Musik?

Adults will like

From the frantic time in the morning when everybody’s getting ready to the seconds creeping by whilst standing in a long, boring queue or when we’re waiting for food to be ready – a lot of us will be able to empathize with the little boy’s frustration and impatience even as adults.

If you like “Five Minutes”

Olivier Tallec has written and illustrated numerous books for children. The stories have been published in different countries, for example his two works “It’s my tree” or “This book will get you to sleep!”.

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