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When’s Father’s Day?

2 Minute Read

Father’s Day – A day to celebrate worldwide

Three cheers to the Dads out there! On Father’s Day all dads get to take center stage. But when is Father’s Day? The date varies from country to country, so we’ve looked up all of them for you and put them in this article.


If you’re feeling at a loss for a gift, we even have the perfect choice to surprise him with: Our personalized book ‘Lost for Words’.

When is Father’s Day?

It depends entirely on where you live, and although the dates will always change, in the UK and the US it always falls on the third Sunday in June. This year, it’ll be on June 18th. 


In Australia and New Zealand Fathers have a bit longer to wait as their celebration day lands on the first Sunday in September, which means that this year it’ll be on September 3rd. 


Father’s day was created to compliment Mother’s Day and is used as an opportunity to let dads know that they are loved and valued.

When is Father’s Day and what gift should I give?

Now that we’ve answered the question of ‘When is Father’s Day 2023?’ It’s time to think of what you might want to buy that special father figure in your life. Our hugely popular Dad book, “Lost for Words” is the perfect choice! This heartwarming story celebrates the unique bond between father and child and lovingly shows the way in which this grows and develops throughout their lives. Enjoying the good times, enduring the bad times and dealing with the smelly times, Lost for Words is a touching expression of love and thanks from father to child and back again.


The book is an ode to life and a beautiful gift for Father’s Day.

In our online shop, with just a few clicks, you can create your characters, add their names and even add your own personal dedication at the front of the book. For Librio our social and ecological commitments are of utmost importance. Find out more about our commitments through ‘More than a Book’ here