Bilderbuch Winter

Winter in the nursery: picture books for cold days

3 Minute Read

As the wind howls and snowflakes dance outside, there’s no cozy escape quite like a captivating winter picture book. No matter if you have intrepid adventurers or little snuggle-monsters at home – our picture book recommendations bring winter right into the comfort of your living room and are perfect for reading aloud. So grab your cosiest blanket, a mug of hot chocolate and explore our picture book recommendations for winter.

Tip Nr.1: “My 100 Words”

From a living room with a roaring fire to a thrilling sleigh ride in the mountains or a nice hot bath with lots of bubbles: our bilingual picture dictionary “My 100 Words” shows winter at its best. 


Available in over 25 languages and dialects, this book is ideal for playfully building vocabulary. Ideal for anyone who has always wanted to know what “snow” means in Albanian, Danish or Portuguese! In addition to winter, the other three seasons are also brought to life with colorful pictures. 

This book not only encourages children to learn new words, but also gives them an impression of the course of the year.

Tip Nr.2: “My Big Bear, My Little Bear and Me”


Margarita del Mazo and Rocio Bonilla set their story on a beautiful, snowy winter’s day. 


With few words and vivid illustrations, the two tell a story about family and about going through life mindfully and affectionately. From the very first page, a unique atmosphere of comfort and security is created, which is one of the main characteristics in this book.

Tip Nr.5: “The Snowman”

Picture books that are completely wordless have a particular magic to them. We have several wordless books in our office library. Among them is the timeless classic “The Snowman” by Raymond Briggs. The illustrations could hardly bring the feeling of the first snow to life any better. An enchanting and moving winter classic.

Tip Nr. 4: “Bunny Slopes”

Bunny Slopes Cover image

In the book “Bunny Slopes”, you accompany a little bunny on the ski slope. 


You glide down slopes in deep snow and make daring jumps. “Bunny Slopes” is an interactive story that’s great fun and ideal for pre-school children. The special thing about this book is the interactive element: shake, turn, tap –  little ones love it when they can be active while being read to!

Tip Nr.6: “Winter Sleep”

Grandma and her grandson are out and about in the snow. It’s freezing cold and the landscape looks lifeless. Where have all the animals gone? A magical expedition through nature begins. Embedded in the story, “Winter Sleep” provides lots of exciting factual information. Accompanied by beautiful illustrations, it shows how insects, bears and fish spend their hibernation.

Tip Nr. 7: “I can fly!”

I can fly cover

The little penguin in Fifi Kuo’s children’s book has a big ambition: he wants to fly!

“Penguins can’t fly,” says dad.

“Penguins can’t fly,” says the seagull. 

But little penguin doesn’t let this get him down. Full of optimism and enthusiasm, he pursues his dream. Will it come true?

Tip Nr.7: “My Search-and-Find World Book”

As beautiful as winter is, sometimes you want nothing more than for the days to finally get longer and the weather to get warmer again. For all those who have had enough of fog and cold and are gripped by Wanderlust, we recommend “My Search-and-Find World Book”. This personalized picture book is a wonderful way to travel to faraway places: From the pyramids in Egypt to the thundering Iguazu Falls in Brazil to a radiant sunrise in Myanmar, the journey takes you to ten different countries around the world. Goodbye winter blues – hello adventure!


You don’t have to miss out on the magic of winter altogether though, because you can also look forward to a stopover in icy Greenland, full of snow-covered mountains, polar bears, Arctic hares and much more.