Glückwünsche zur Einschulung- Kinder und Lehrerin

Good luck wishes for starting school

4 Minute Read

Crazy to think that yet another school year has gone by for many and that for even more, the fun of school is about to begin for the first time! The start of school is the start of a new, exciting chapter in a child’s life. In this article we’ve put together some of our favorite examples of good luck wishes for starting school to wish good luck to your little ones for their big day.

A great addition to any good luck card you might give your little one for their first day of school is our ‘Welcome to School’ picture book. This personalized children’s book sends your child on a worldwide adventure, where they meet six children from around the world. Accompanied by their helpful, though somewhat clumsy, feathered friend, Bravebeak, your child will be whisked to Nepal, India, Jordan, South Africa, Vietnam, and Honduras. As well as personalizing the lead character you can also add your own message in the dedication to lend it an even more personal touch – the perfect place to add your good luck wishes for starting school.

What do you write in a first day at school greeting card?

The first day at school is the start of a whole new chapter in a child’s life. As well as wishing them luck, you can also tell them how proud of them you are and show excitement at their new ‘adventure’. Personalized greeting cards are a great way to wish them these things. In Librio’s online shop with just a few clicks you can create the perfect first day at school with a personalized greeting card and a little one who looks just like your child. In this article you can learn all about how our art director Nick came up with these wonderful little cards.

Short good luck wishes for starting school – texts

Good luck for your first day at school, Charlotte!

Yippee! It’s finally here and you’re going to school. You’re going to discover all sorts of wonderful and exciting things. You’ll learn how to read, how to write and you’re going to make a lot of new friends. I’m so happy for you and wish you a great start with your new class. You’re going to have a fantastic time!

Lots of love,


Dear Lars,

How wonderful that your big day is finally almost here!
Wishing you a great start in this new and exciting chapter of your life. Have tons of fun!

All the best, your Godmother,


Dear Jonas,

By attending your first day in school, you are entering a new phase of your life. You are one of the smartest kids I know in this world. Good luck!

I’m so very proud of you.

Lots of love,


Good luck wishes for starting school – short quotes

Today I hurry off to school,

To work and learn and play

I’m in a brand new grade this year,

What a happy day!

I’ve got a brand new lunchbox,

My shoes are shiny clean.

I’ve got a cool new bookbag,

And a pencil box that’s green.

But I don’t know my teacher

Or where my desk will be

I don’t know if I’ll like the kids

Or if they’ll play with me.

I peek inside my classroom

I stand there for a while

My teacher’s tall and kind of loud

But has a great big smile

And, best of all, she’s got my

Favorite book on the shelf.

I kiss my mother at the door

And walk in by myself.

I thought I’d wish you good luck, but
It’s something you won’t need,
Because you’ve something better –
The talent to succeed.

You’re off to great to great places. Today is your first day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!

A surprise for the first day of school

As well as good luck wishes, cards and new friends, little ones of course are always excited by a nice surprise. Alongside our first day of school book ‘Be Brave’ Librio has a lot of other great gift options for the first day of school. For example, how about a personalized Search-and-Find book where your child can search for themselves? Our book ‘My fantabulous Orchestra’ is a perfect, fun gift for the first day of school. This heartwarming story follows your little one as they learn that the most important thing is to be true to yourself and to listen to your heart.