Winter tree

Librio Library #42 – Tap the Magic Tree – Christie Matheson

3 Minute Read

Why we chose “Tap the Magic Tree”

As you probably know, here at Librio, we’re passionate about the environment and especially so about trees. So, what better way to start off the beginning of the new year, than with this month’s book recommendation “Tap the Magic Tree” being about the changing seasons?

Tap the magic tree EN

“Tap the Magic Tree” is a wonderful, interactive book which is beautifully illustrated and guaranteed to hold a little one’s attention throughout. 


It starts with the bare, brown tree but then you tap it, turn the page and suddenly you see a leaf appear. Every page there’s another interaction for little ones to do to help this lonely tree change its seasonal ‘clothing’ throughout the year. 

Favorite image

The illustrations are simple but beautifully done. The collage and watercolor art throughout are reminiscent of the much loved Eric Carle’s works such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar; an absolute classic and definitely a personal favorite! 


It’s hard to choose a favorite one to be honest as they’re all beautiful in their individual way, but if we had to, then given that it’s still a world of bare trees and mostly grey skies outside at the moment, we’d choose the spring tree. Both whilst it’s fully in blossom with the delicate pink flowers and the bumble bees buzzing around it and once the blossoms fall it reminds us pleasantly of the warmer seasons ahead.

Summer tree

Kids will like

This book is a fantastic way for kids to learn to interact with the stories they read and vicariously learn about something as fascinating as the seasons at the same time. 

They get to blow on the tree as if pretending to be an autumn wind, brush away petals to make way for summer and shake the tree to make the apples fall at harvest time. It’s a beautiful way to make kids not only enjoy reading but also to learn an appreciation for just how incredible nature is. 


Adults will like

The book’s a lovely opportunity for adults to either watch little ones enjoying themselves as they interact with the book on their own or to get stuck in and join in the actions with them. Let’s face it, we all have an inner child and it’s even more fun to let it loose with little ones and have a giggle. All in the name of education, of course. (tee hee hee)


If you like “Tap the Magic Tree”

If you enjoyed this book and fancy looking into some more interactive stories from Christie Matheson, then we can highly recommend, “Touch the brightest Star” a gentle journey from sunset to sunrise to show little ones that nighttime isn’t scary at all and shows them the magic of the night sky.


For more books about nature there’s also “Plant the Tiny Seed”, “The Hidden Rainbow”.

Christie Matheson’s books are beautifully done and are sure to keep little ones intrigued throughout. 


If you especially loved “Tap the Magic Tree” and want to keep the little ones busy for longer, how about some activities, such as having them make their own tree in their favorite season? 

More recommendations from our collection

In our Librio Library, we have a couple of similar books we absolutely love. For the cold winter months there’s “Bunny Slopes”, an interactive, hands on book which is great fun to read (both as an adult and as a kid!). Alternatively, in a similar vein to Christie Matheson’s “Touch the Brightest Star” we also have “Moon” by Britta Teckentrup, a wonderful story about the different phases of the moon as it makes its way across the night sky.