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Christ-miss-you Letters

1 minute read

Our most popular download now as a Christmas edition

Earlier this year during Peak First Wave, we created a letter to download, colour in and send those who were close to you but far away.


Those Miss-You Letters became the most-engaged-with item we've ever put out into the world and we received lovely messages of thanks for providing them.


So, as another period of distancing from loved ones looms, we're excited to announce that we've updated the letters to create a Christ-Miss edition.


There are times in Librio's history when we've surprised even ourselves by creating products that are incredibly emotionally-charged and the miss you letters was one of those times. They're guaranteed to bring a tear and a smile to whoever receives one. I'm welling up a little just thinking about Grandma's reaction when she receives one from my little ones.


And don't be fooled, they're not just for children. We know a lot of very happy adults who sent and received them back in spring and we're certainly going to be sending some more this time round.


1. Print out the sheet

2. Fill in one half

3. Send the whole sheet to a friend or family member you miss

4. They fill out their part, cut the sheet in half and send it back to you


We've provided colourful and black and white versions for you to print out depending on how good your printer is 🙂 Or how much you want to colour in.

Click to download

Click to download

Bon voyage little letters!