Librio Miss You Letters

Miss You Letters

1 minute read

Seeing our little ones missing their friends and family gave us an idea. How about creating a letter which they can send to each other to let them know they’re in their thoughts?


So we created our FREE Miss You Letters to download, fill out and send. And we checked with the WHO that sending letters is safe 🙂


How it works:

  1. Print out the sheet
  2.  Fill in one half
  3. Send the whole sheet to a friend or family member you miss
  4. They fill out their part, cut the sheet in half and send it back to you
  5. When you see each other again, you can join the two halves together ?


We've provided colourful and black and white versions for you to print out depending on how good your printer is 🙂 Or how much you want to colour in.

Colourful (click to download)

Librio Miss You Letter


Black & white (click to download)

Librio Miss You Letter Black and white


Bon voyage little letters!