Schöne Vorlagen für Scherenschnitte

Beautiful templates for paper cutouts

2 Minute Read

“Every snowflake is unique, just like you.”

Woof’s Christmas tree cutout is cute, but Floof’s snowflake cutout is a true masterpiece! In the mood for some creativity? Then grab your scissors and get ready because Floof’s put together some beautiful templates for paper cutouts. All you’ll need is some thick paper, (preferably origami-paper) and scissors and off you go! 

Instructions for the cutouts

Step 1

Fold the square piece of paper diagonally until it makes a triangle and then open it again. Then fold it over the other diagonal and turn the paper so that the longest side is at the bottom

Step 2

Fold the left tip upwards at an angle of about 60° (the tip should be pointing up towards the right). Do the same with the bottom right tip – folding it up towards the left. 

Step 3

Now fold the whole thing again in the middle, so that the two tips are on top of each other. Cut the two protruding tips straight. 

You can download the templates for the cutouts here. Of course if you prefer, you can always get creative and make them up yourself! 


Step 4

Choose one of these beautiful templates for paper cutouts and draw them onto the folded paper. Now you can cut along the corresponding lines. 

Step 5

Now the snowflake is ready to be unfolded… et voilà. Your beautiful cutout is complete! If you’re feeling particularly creative, you can also paint or add glitter to your snowflakes.

Scherenschnitte Dekorationen

Paper cutouts as decoration or a gift

Wow! What beautiful templates for cutouts Floof has put together. This is how true masterpieces are created. To make the beautiful snowflakes stand out particularly well, the can be hung on the Christmas tree or used as a decoration on the window simply by using a thread to hang them up.

Tip: How about making these extra special if giving them as a gift and combine them with some of our cookies from our blog post.